
Album par Portishead
Sortie 17 octobre 1994
Enregistrement State of Art and Coach House Studios
Durée 49min16s
Genre Trip hop
Producteur Portishead
Label Go! Discs
Albums de Portishead
Portishead (1997)

Dummy est le premier album de Portishead, sorti en 1994.


  1. Mysterons (5:02)
  2. Sour times (4:11)
  3. Strangers (3:55)
  4. It could be sweet (4:16)
  5. Wandering star (4:51)
  6. It's a fire (3:48)
  7. Numb (3:54)
  8. Roads (5:02)
  9. Pedestal (3:39)
  10. Biscuit (5:01)
  11. Glory Box (5:06)


Glory Box reprend un sample de la chanson Ike's rap II de l'artiste Isaac Hayes.

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  • Dummy — may refer to: Military dummy: dummy round a cartridge that is inert, i.e. contains neither primer nor gunpowder decoy fake military equipment intended to deceive the enemy Crash test dummy, a full scale replica of a human being, weighted and… …   Wikipedia

  • Dummy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dummy LP de Portishead Publicación octubre de 1994 Grabación 1993 – 1994 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Dummy — [ˈdʌmɪ] (engl. für Attrappe) bezeichnet: eine Attrappe für künstlerische Zwecke oder Tests Crashtest Dummy, eine mit zahlreichen Sensoren ausgestattete Puppe in Form eines Menschen oder Tieres, die bei der Unfallforschung (Crashtests) von Fahr… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dummy — index imitation, proxy Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 dummy …   Law dictionary

  • Dummy — Dum my, n.; pl. {Dummies}. 1. One who is dumb. H. Smith. [1913 Webster] 2. A sham package in a shop, or one which does not contain what its exterior indicates. [1913 Webster] 3. An imitation or copy of something, to be used as a substitute; a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dummy — Dum my, a. [See {Dumb}.] 1. Silent; mute; noiseless; as a dummy engine. [1913 Webster] 2. Fictitious or sham; feigned; as, a dummy watch. [1913 Webster] {Dummy car}. See under {Car}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dummy — ► NOUN (pl. dummies) 1) a model or replica of a human being. 2) an object designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real one. 3) Brit. a rubber or plastic teat for a baby to suck on. 4) (in sport) a feigned pass or kick. 5) informal …   English terms dictionary

  • dummy — [dum′ē] n. pl. dummies [< DUMB + Y2] 1. [Old Slang] a person unable to talk; mute: an offensive term 2. a figure made in human form, as for displaying clothing, practicing tackling in football, etc. 3. an imitation or sham; substitute for the… …   English World dictionary

  • dummy — [n1] mannequin copy, counterfeit, duplicate, figure, form, imitation, manikin, model, ringer*, sham*, stand in, sub, substitute; concepts 436,716 Ant. being, entity dummy [n2] stupid person blockhead*, dimwit*, dolt*, dullard*, dunce, fool, idiot …   New thesaurus

  • dummy — 1590s, mute person, from DUMB (Cf. dumb). Extended by 1845 to figure representing a person. Used in card games (originally whist) since 1736. Meaning dolt, blockhead is from 1796 …   Etymology dictionary

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